
Modern Skills

Helping our children and teens grow their abilities and awareness


A growing list of tips and resources for parents and teens. This section is composed of hand selected articles written by great resources that we want to share. We provide a summary highlighting key points, major takeaways and topics for discussion. Then you can explore and share these great links to valuable information from trusted authorities. Topics range from job and life skills, to issues regarding technology, changing societal landscapes and the unique opportunities and challenges children/teens face when trying to be successful in the modern world.

Use this page to promote awareness about areas for growth, as well as to set goals and guide progress. We encourage both children and adults to read the articles, and then to discuss them together. We carefully curate the advice we choose to share, however it is up to you to find the best ways to incorporate it into your lives. It is our hope that everyone, young and old, can benefit from these resources and we will regularly update with more.

If you believe you have found a great article that you would like to share we love to hear from our readers. Please email us via and we may feature what you find on this page.

  • 6 Better Ways to Start Your Morning [Inc.] – For all that we’ve been told about breakfast being the most important part of the day, we may be forgetting other foundational activities that set the tone for what follows. This articles handy tips help you maximize your potential in simple ways teens and parents can enjoy together.

  • Become More Positive With These 5 Tips [] – A positive attitude has beneficial effects on our personal, professional and academic lives. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who would argue that. However you’d also have a hard time finding someone who lays out practical steps to develop one better than the author of this piece.

  • 5 Things Smart People Say That Make Them Sound Dumb [Inc.] – According to this article, even the educated and otherwise poised are vulnerable to a few common speech foibles. You always want to put your best foot forward. Make yourself aware of these common pitfalls and avoid falling into them.

  • From Little Things Big Things Grow [] – In this piece, Sir Richard Branson discusses his experience with a recent Virgin outreach program. In the “Fiver Challenge,” British children were given 5 pounds and challenged to use the meager amount of money to start a profitable business initiative. The article highlights inspiring stories from the experience, as well as encourages all of us not to delay our dreams.

  • Create A Binding Agreement With Yourself [] – This article shares a handy tip for digging yourself out of a rut, or avoiding one in the first place. By placing a greater emphasis on today, we can avoid the pitfalls of “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Add value to your day and you will add productivity to your life. It can’t hurt to try!

  • 7 Ways To Avoid Decision Paralysis [Inc.] – At every point in our lives, we are faced with the challenge of processing information and engaging in problem solving. This process of making decisions is such a critical part of our lives, yet a rather elusive one as well. This article argues that technology may make it even harder. However, children would do well to start practicing now as improved decision making will help them through school and carry on into any future career.

  • Why Being Mean Won’t Get You Far In Business [] – Sir Richard Branson, arguably one of the most successful men of our day, offers sage advice in this article. He explains why acting with compassion isn’t just the more moral course of action, it is ultimately a more successful one as well. Among a number of fascinating points, he argues for the importance of communication and cooperation, and the fact that selfish and profit-oriented goals only benefit in the short term. See what he has to say, and how you can have it all: being a good person and a winner.

  • 6 Reasons Critics Are Awesome [LinkedIn] – We will all face criticism over the course of our lives, both positive and negative in nature. This is another case of a skill more than worth learning young. The author shows us how to take both constructive and nasty critics in stride, and make use of what they say to improve ourselves and recognize our achievements. Critics will come whether we welcome them or not, so we might as well develop strong tools for not just coping with them, but using them to our advantage.

  • Why Trying to Build a Billion Dollar Startup is a Mistake [Inc.] – This article provides a valuable lesson in not putting the cart before the horse. It is easy to look around these days and see a plethora of billion dollar companies, younger than the teenagers reading this paragraph, and think that this is the norm for startups. Technology has made a lot of previously impossible things reasonably attainable, but there is still a lot to be said for starting more modestly and growing from there. Learn about the advantages of carefully cultivating a small business, as opposed to stumbling into a massive one.


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