

Tikkun olam and Spencer Goldstein. One Baseball at a time

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There’s this idea in Judaism called ‘tikkun olam, which means ‘repairing the world.’ That’s something we’re encouraged to do all the time.

Spencer Goldstein of Kirkland, Washington considers himself an average teen, and he does not think that his generosity or charitable outlook is anything special. Many, including me, would disagree, since Spencer has been putting in many hours collecting baseball equipment for less fortunate youth who cannot afford these items. According to the young teen “It just feels nice to do something this big when you know it’s going to help someone else.”

When Spencer was interviewed by the Kirkland Reporter newspaper, the teenager was very humble and did not understand what the fuss was about. Spencer came up with a community service project as part of his becoming a Bar Mitzvah. He decided to collect used baseball equipment so that these items could be donated to youth from around the globe. The idea started when Spencer saw the Uganda team play in the Little League World Series, and was surprised to learn that many of the players on the team from Uganda could not even afford the most basic safety equipment called for in the rules.

Bar Mitzvah Projects Pay Off For Others Around the World

Both boys and girls in the Jewish community often volunteer in the community and give something back to society. Giving back is very important in the Jewish culture and is expected from all adults, as well as teens who are entering adulthood.

Spencer has collected hundreds of items of baseball equipment and these have been donated to Pitch In for Baseball, which has a global reach and provides baseball equipment to children who reside in lower income communities around the world. Almost all of the projects that are chosen by teens benefit children and adolescents, age groups that the Bar and Bat Mitzvah teens can relate to. Often these projects cause teens to take a hard look at the fact that life is not always fair and realize that some children are much worse off than they are.

Tikkun Olam Benefits Everyone Involved

Meredith Goldstein, Spencer’s mother, explained a concept in Judaism called Tikkun Olam to the reporter who did the interview. According to Meredith “There’s this idea in Judaism called ‘tikkun olam, which means ‘repairing the world. That’s something we’re encouraged to do all the time.” Even the sound of this concept is wonderful, and the community service that Spencer has performed should be applauded. The actions of this teen can inspire others to try and make a difference in their local community and the world.

Please comment and answer the questions below, using the comment box at the bottom of the page.

  •  What worthy causes can you contribute to so that others have a better life?
  •  What community service opportunities are there in your local area?
  •  What do you think of the concept of tikkun olam? Why?
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