
About Dr. Naomi Greenblatt

Dr Naomi Greenblatt, psychologist, psychologyWelcome Parents and Teens,

My name is Naomi Greenblatt, and I co-publish this blog with my husband Jason. I maintain a private practice in reproductive psychiatry that addresses all areas of women’s mental health. Jason and I share a number of common passions, and these include:

  • Parenting
  • Education
  • Helping other parents raise happy and balanced children
  • giving back to the community

We are both working parents and we have a total of 6 children, three of them triplets. We are very active in our community and our children’s education, and we make spending time together at the dinner table a priority for our family no matter how busy our lives or work schedules may be. We believe that successfully raising children requires strong communication ties and frequent family discussions.

As a working mom I know how hard this can be without the right tools and resources and I want to help others achieve this as well. Help and advice with parenting from other parents who have been there can be invaluable. Communication is the key to teaching children and teens to become active and integral parts of the wider community in which we all live. It is not enough to simply talk about values though, it is necessary to live and practice those values to set an example which children and teens can emulate.

We understand the importance of both parents being present with their children in their daily lives and providing needed guidance. Getting involved in their problem solving, general outlook on the world, deciding what is possible, discussing the right thing to do in any situation, and so on. We started this blog to help other parents like us, and other kids and teens like our children.

Inspire Conversation is for you if:

  • You are a parent struggling to connect with your teenager or child
  • You have a list of values that you care about and you don”t know how to get them to “land” with your children
  • You want to help your child become a better person
  • You are looking for examples and case studies for life changing strategies and approaches to parenting
  • You want advice and feedback from other parents just like you
  • You are looking for tips on effective communication that will make it easier on your entire family
  • You want a good friend that will listen to what you have to say
  • If you need any advice or assistance with parenting, talking, or listening.
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