
Modern Skills

Helping our children and teens grow their abilities and awareness

here are some further resources dealing with “modern skills” that you may have missed:

  • 5 Habits That Will Help Spark the Best Ideas [] – There is no secret potion or quick fix to help generate amazing ideas. Rather, being creative is a lifestyle. By incorporating a few good habits into your routine you can train yourself to be more thoughtful, more often. This is a skill that will benefit anyone, no matter what you choose to pursue with your life. Think of this as a set of brain exercises that will bulk up one of the most elusive muscles there is: your imagination.

  • How Starbucks Keeps Innovating [LinkedIn] – Many of the first companies that come to mind when we think of success in business are ones that had the benefit of an entirely new product, or even market, that didn’t exist prior. Perhaps even more impressive is a company that can take a product that has been around as long as recorded history, and reinvent it to achieve market dominance. Learn about some of the business innovation born from a company determined to gain ground despite market saturation.

  • 6 Signs Your Child Will Be An Entrepreneur [Inc.] – In our modern society, being an entrepreneur is more attractive and possible than ever before. This article features six distinct signs and behavior patterns parents can watch for to discover if their child has the leanings of a future founder and CEO. Additionally, it gently suggests that parents who may want their child to follow this path (or a child who has specific dreams) can look at this list as six areas to develop and improve in order to prepare for a life of self employment.
  • How to Communicate Like Bill Clinton [] – Our 42nd President is a legend for his ability to put people at ease and not just speak, but also listen with power and authority. People say that when they’re talking to him no matter who they are, how many other people are around or how important those people may be, they feel like they’re the only one in the room. This article shows some great tips to communicate like the great man himself and be more engaged in any conversation.
  • 10 Tips For Standing Out In The Interview Process [LinkedIn] – Everyone knows that interviewing well is a key skill when trying to land a job. A candidate, young or old, needs to be able to distinguish themselves from the pack by concisely highlighting their skills and demonstrating their ability. But just how does one go about doing this? We wanted to share this article because of its great, practical advice you can start implementing right away.
  • 12 Year Old CEO Runs a 150K Business [Inc] – A young man with a knack for fashion grew his desire to see a bigger, better selection of bow ties into a successful business before even becoming a teenager. He has also become involved in philanthropy and has big dreams for the future. His story demonstrates that if a dedicated young man who can’t even drive manages to achieve a work-life balance, along with a successful and socially conscious business, there is no such thing as too young to start on your dreams.
  • The Importance of Having a Mentor in Business [Virgin] – Arguably one of the most successful men in modern business, Sir Richard Branson shares about how no matter who you are, what your talents or where you come from, there is incredible value in having someone to turn to for advice and support. Here he stresses not only this importance, but also advice on selecting a mentor and ways they can help.
  • “Podtels” Shrink the Hotel Experience [Huffington Post] – The future is here as these small, capsule-like dormitories increase in popularity. This article points to the fascinating business concept behind them, as well as laying out an affordable option for traveling that may be of great benefit to young people starting their careers and looking to stay for business or pleasure on a budget.
  • 8 Rules for Getting People on Your Side [Entrepreneur] – No matter what we do or where we go in life, dialoguing with others and convincing them of our side of an argument, or our position on an issue is an invaluable skill. It requires both technique and practice. This article lays a foundation for refining abilities in persuasion. It emphasizes the need to not only say the right thing, but to say it the right way.
  • Dare to Limit Your Child’s Stress [CindyTerebush] – This article makes the argument that these days it is difficult to distinguish between the schedule of a busy professional and their teenager. Children take on increased responsibility, workloads and pressure these days, but is it helpful or harmful? This article helps in finding a place of balance between achievement and happiness.
  • How I Overcame the Fear of Public Speaking [] – We all know public speaking is a valuable skill and that no matter how irrelevant you may believe it to be to your life and/or career, it will inevitably come up. This article features great, practical advice to break down the fears associated with public speaking and make it seem less overwhelming, while enabling the reader to improve their abilities.
  • 10 Signs You Have (Or Are) A Great Boss [] – Recognizing and learning great leadership is a skill that is never too early to begin learning. This article will help teens to seek good leadership as the apply to jobs, as well as mold them to become good bosses some day. In the more immediate sense, its advice can relate to being a team captain, class officer, club leader or prepare them for another budding leadership position.
  • This 20-year-old Covers Apple like a Pro [] – This story of a 20 year old college junior who has been reporting on Apple since the age of 15 shows that it is never too early to start pursuing a dream. Aside from the money and prestige he has earned, his story is one of pushing against the odds on many fronts to achieve a dream.
  • The Top 5 Things You Should Never Do At Work [] – The advice in this article will benefit adults as well as teens looking to enter the workforce for the first time. More than that, the advice rings true for many areas of life and challenges us to carry ourselves with dignity and think of others.
  • Why You Should Keep a Body Language Diary [] – While it may seem trite and stereotypical for parents to remind their children not to slouch, this article highlights a host of reasons why body language is important to success. It is also far easier to start with good habits at a young age than to correct them later and so children and teens can learn a lot from this message.
  • 4 Lessons Derek Jeter Taught Me About Leadership [] – You don’t have to be a baseball fan to appreciate the lessons learned from this article (though the upcoming playoffs may help entice some fans to take heed). The practices identified in this list benefit anyone, of any age, from any walk of life. Share and discuss these lessons from one of the hardest working men in sports.



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