

Importance of the Apology

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An Apology is important, but unfortunately, our society seems to be forgetting that. It seems that often times as of late: I have watched or read something on the news where someone is discussing a person’s apology. The media uses this platform to create a debateabout whether or not the person asking for forgiveness is being sincere; sometimes even mocking the person for apologizing in the first place!

This has trickled down to high schools and middle schools more recently as well. We are now seeing fewer children and teens apologizing or accepting apologies than ever before.

The Crazy Cycle

The idea that apologies are unimportant is reflected in our pop culture. Take for example


Srry (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

discussions by the mass media, which analyze whether someone was sincere in an apology, or apologizing only to obtain leniency. It is also reflected in our music. Many songs these days that children and teens listen to contain lyrics which clearly state that an apology is not good enough. These messages will make it less likely that our children and teens will apologize for things they have done that all for an apology.

But wait… do we as parents model the importance of apologizing? Do we apologize to them when an apology is called for? Do we apologize to others when an apology is called for an discuss these instance with our children and teens?

How can we change the cycle?

Let’s get real here for a moment by stating the obvious: No one is perfect, nor should we expect anyone to be. We all make mistakes when dealing with others, or say something we shouldn’t from time to time; which is exactly why we should continue to apologize properly when an apology is called for, and learn how to accept sincere apologies.

If an apology is sincere and heartfelt, the person who is apologizing deserves a chance to seek and obtain our forgiveness? Apologies are important, because it gives everyone involved in the transgression closure and a chance to move past it.

This leads to a stronger, mutual understanding between the apologizer and the one who is being apologized to. It also creates bonds through mutual understanding. If we sit and argue over the validity of the apology – then start speculating on why it was issued – we are robbing ourselves of these mutual benefits.

How to Properly Give an Apology

When giving an apology, the most important thing is to be sincere. If you find yourself apologizing constantly for the same things – to the same person – that person isn’t going to believe you are very sincere. Apologies should be used when appropriate and not as a constant excuse to cover up for repeated mistakes. Back up your apology by trying very hard to make sure the transgression you committed does not happen again. Also, inspire yourself to go out of your way to prove to the person you are apologizing to that their faith is well placed in you. Show them that you are a person that can be trusted. Remember, actions can often times speak louder than words. Back up the message by showing your children and teens that you to can make mistakes, and apologize sincerely for such mistakes as well.

  • Why do you believe it is sometimes difficult for someone to accept an apology?
  • Why is it important to accept an apology?
  • What are some instances when you should apologize?
  • What makes an apology sincere?
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