Feeling Special During the Coronavirus Crisis
by Sophia Greenblatt
Tragically, the death toll of victims of Covid-19 around the world continues to rise, including in Spain. Healthcare professionals worldwide are working tirelessly to treat coronavirus patients and are risking their lives doing so. To show their appreciation, residents of Spain go on their balconies at 8 p.m. every night to applaud all of the medical personnel who are heroically fighting the virus. In Vigo, Spain, a healthcare worker named Tamara Sayar takes care of Hermann Schreider, a patient in his eighties, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. Each day Ms. Sayar takes Mr. Schreider to his window so he could play his harmonica in front of everyone clapping. Ms. Sayar told Mr. Schreider that all of the Spaniards applauding were applauding him for his musical skills. When he finishes playing, Mr. Schreider joins in clapping. Ms. Sayar joked “I do not know if I have created a monster, because now Hermann rehearses all day.”
Ms. Sayar has made Mr. Schreider feel so special each day. It is so important to recognize the important and essential work of our heroic healthcare professionals, and it is heartwarming to see Mr. Schreider’s joy from the applause.
We continue to pray for all of those affected by the virus and for the health and safety of all the workers who are helping to prevent the spread and save lives.
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