Meeting Congressman Steny Hoyer [Male, Age 14; New Jersey]
English: Congressman Steny Hoyer (left), D-Maryland, and Richard Holbrooke (center, left), United States mediator and architect of the Dayton Peace Agreement, talk with Miodrag Pajic (center, right with glasses), mayor of Brcko, Bosnia, about the elections, assisted by Department of Defense interpreter Dragan Minc (standing between Holbrooke and Pajic). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Recently, Congressman Steny Hoyer came to a neighbors home and gave an improptu speech to all present. Some of the teens present appreciated the speech very much and wanted to contribute their thoughts. Here is what one young man from New Jersey had to say.
This past Sunday, I had the great opportunity to personally meet, and hear Congressman Steny Hoyer. I really enjoyed his speech for many reasons, including the topics he spoke about.
Congressman Hoyer’s Speech
Congressman Hoyer told us about his trips to Israel, including when he travels with freshman congressman to Israel, in order for them to get an appreciation and inspiration of why it is so important for the United States to support Israel as a country and as an ally. I thought it was amazing that he was so connected to Israel and wanted other congressional representatives to feel the same way. I also really enjoyed how he was able to engage the audience at all times.
For example, when Congressman Hoyer used a term that he was sure me, a 14 year old boy wouldn’t understand, he would interrupt his speech to explain to me and the other teens there what the term meant. I though that was a great way to keep the audience involved in his speech and it made me feel great that the congressman interrupted his speech to make sure that I understood what he was saying.
One of my favorite aspects of Congressman Hoyer’s speech was how he incorporated his thirty-two years of experience in politics into his speech. By including short anecdotes, Congressman Hoyer aroused interest in the audience and it was exciting to hear first hand stories from a congressman.
After the speech ended, my family introduced ourselves to the congressman and we had the opportunity to engage in a brief conversation with him and ask him any questions we had.
Overall, this was an amazing experience, and I am looking forward to having more opportunities to do similar things.
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