Words of Hope, Determination in Response to Orlando Tragedy
When a large-scale tragedy befalls our fellow man, we often wrestle for the right words to sort out our feelings. When the tragedy is caused by terrorism, conflicting emotions can sometimes render us speechless.
The senseless slaughter of 49 people in Orlando shocks the conscience. The cowardice of the act underscores the need for all of us to reaffirm our common humanity, to condemn the evil ideology that inspired it, and to extend our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and our prayers to those beginning the long road to recovery from their injuries.
Hatred toward people based on who they are, how they worship or for any reason, is anathema to the ideals we hold up as Americans. Orlando has endured a grievous wound, and people of goodwill the world over share in the city’s sorrow. But we also share in its resolve to heal. May our determination to live in peace exceed and ultimately defeat that of those who would attempt to destroy it.
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