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Anna Greenblatt

Anna Greenblatt

Hashtags have become increasingly popular in recent years, filling Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media outlets with all sorts of statements. Hashtags give people the opportunity to promote a message they believe in to all who may read the message. Millions of hashtag messages have been created and posted, some of which have developed into popular hashtag movements.

#chasingthegood was created to inspire people to post about the good deeds they perform or to describe good deeds performed by others that they have witnessed or read about, in an effort to inspire others to continue the “good deed streak.” Posts have included stories of people who have donated clothing and toys to those in need, delivered food for food banks, volunteered to tutor a student in need of help, and many other acts of kindness. The hashtag #chasingthegood has taken kind gestures and has made them into a movement that has spread goodwill all over social media.

The next time you do something nice, or if you hear about or witness someone else do something nice, post about it and include the hashtag #chasingthegood. Your post may inspire someone to do something good themselves, and hopefully they will inspire others to continue the movement. Of course, feel free to send inspiring stories our way- we are always looking to spread the word about kind acts performed by people.

Let’s continue to help make our world a better place by performing kind acts all over, and spreading the word about them.

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