

flu season, flu shot, kids in need, walgreens helping others

Flu Season Becomes a Time of Giving for Walgreens

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When most of us think of the flu, we think of high temperatures, runny noses, ague, aches, pains and a general feeling of malaise. However, this year it is also providing a wonderful opportunity to be of service and help others through a “get one, give one” program. This provides a vaccination to a child in a developing country in exchange for pledging to get a flu shot for yourself.

Officially named “Get a Shot. Give a Shot.®,” the program aims to help “supply life saving vaccines to children in developing countries through the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign.” It is being run by Walgreens in conjunction with the United Nations initiative.

One of the nice parts of the program is that the segment occurring overseas doesn’t just focus on flu vaccinations. While many Americans are fortunate enough to have their biggest health concerns center around something like the flu and the threat of missing school or activities with friends, in the third world much more serious, and even life threatening, health concerns are more common. This program “swaps” a flu shot in the US for another type of needed vaccine in a developing country.

In Walgreens’ own words:

“Together, we can protect children from diseases like measles and polio. Pledge to get your flu shot at Walgreens, share it with your family and friends on social media and join the movement helping make a world of difference to children in need.”

The program asks interested parties to take a pledge on Facebook to get your flu shot at Walgreens, and in exchange, shots will be provided to developing countries up to a 1 million dollar aggregate donation. The UN program’s website also has great background information on the outreach being done, as well as their own blog and channels assisting those who want to donate, reach out to congress for support, and/or take action.

Walgreens Helping Those in Need During Flu Season

In one of the most powerful lines from the campaign, it is pointed out that “there are children who don’t say ‘when I grow up’…they say ‘if.’” Besides the ability to provide physical donations to those in need, part of the beauty of this program is the awareness it brings. Sometimes we forget or ignore the hardships endured by others; and perhaps we see them as something happening on TV or “out there.” For those involved, these realities can be harsh and devastatingly true.

Take the time to talk about those less fortunate and what can be done to help them. Practice gratitude for the many things we enjoy and may take for granted, including health. There are things we can do on a daily basis, many of them comparably small, that can help others. The first of which should be to acknowledge what is going on outside of our small slice of the world and to bring awareness to ourselves and others.

An act that may seem small on our part can have major positive repercussions in another part of the world. Think of the butterfly effect and seize an opportunity to be the butterfly, whether through his program or another means of charity. Let your small act ripple throughout the world and do good where you can.

Also take a look at this powerful video shared by the campaign and let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you!

We are proud of Walgreens for taking on this important cause and helping to fight disease in this unique way!

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